Tuesday, April 8, 2008

MacGyver Kites

MacGyver was able to save the day using only a piece of gum and a spoon. If he had a kite...well...he'd probably be able to solve hunger and ensure world peace.
For this project, we will be designing, constructing, testing, and flying kites. The kites should be constructed using only recycled or found materials. They should be sturdy enough to survive crashes and light enough to fly in a variety of wind conditions. The design can be derived in part from existing designs, but there must also be unique properties and features to the kite. An attractive design is also a must. 

The kite must be able to accomplish at least one of the following tasks.
1. Transport a small object from one place to another without breaking it.
2. Communicate a message over a great distance.
3. Attack or defend a territory.
4. Be used to spy.
5. Collaborate with another kite to accomplish a complex task.
6. All of the above.

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