Sunday, February 24, 2008

Field Assignments

Choose any one of the field assignments and accomplish one per week. Field assignments are to be submitted by the end of the week. In the event of a shortened week, submit your piece on the following Monday. Most of your tasks can be submitted as photo documentation, or sketches. Objects can be photographed in class as well. Each assignment is marked out of 10 and is broken down as follows: technique 3, communication 4, ingenuity 3

  1. Household object spaceship: Make a spaceship using only household and found objects. indiemogul, kristan Horton
  2. Fast Furniture: As the title suggests, modify furniture to make it faster.
  3. Ben and Ned mini people explore: Small figurines are available to take out and be used as models in specific contexts.
  4. Couch Potato/potato couch: Using a potato as material and/or subject, make a couch.
  5. New instrument: Create an instrument and demonstrate how it works.
  6. Everything is tall:
  7. Recycling bullies: Propose a method to compel would-be wasters to recycle.
  8. Instruction for a task: create an instruction without words explaining how to do something.
  9. Nature:
  10. Unlikely Jewelry: create a piece of wearable jewelry out of unlikely materials/processes.
  11. Balance is hilarious: create a large temporary structure with household objects balanced on top of one another.
  12. 5 dollar shelter: Design a rudimentary shelter using only 5 dollars or less of material.
  13. Room 221 is too hot: Propose an environmentally friendly cooling method for this room.
  14. Lego:
  15. Camouflage: create site-specific camouflage
  16. Clean up after yourself:
  17. Lawn are so 20th century: devise an alternative to a lawn at your house
  18. Personal traffic patterns: track your movements in a given place over a given period of time.
  19. Offset this room: calculate the carbon footprint of this room and propose a method to offset it
  20. Cookie cutters: create a cookie cutter of a piece of generic design.
  21. PLAYGround: create a set of rules for a new game on the PHS campus.
  22. The best paper airplane: Not only a long-flying, but a beautifully-decorated airplane.
  23. Map an obscure or personal place:
  24. Rant project: Rant about an encounter with architecture, or design that really irks you or amazes you.
  25. Superbad – design: Discover and champion a particularly heinous piece of design.

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