Sunday, March 16, 2008


Room 221 is a relatively functional lab – but it can be better.
Pair up with a partner and carry out the following:
1. Measure the room. Include the door, windows, chalkboards, desks, power outlets, cabinets, shelves etc…
2. Do a rough sketch of the room on paper being sure to note dimensions accurately.
3. Open Autocad LT and create a floorplan of the room as it exists.
4. Do a floorplan of the room using Autocad and dimension it.
5. Brainstorm a set of improvements to the room that would accomplish the following: make the room more comfortable, make every computer screen visible at a glance, give improved flexibility, and be more attractive .
6. Devise a new layout for the room being sure to include all of the necessary objects (computers, writing surfaces, etc…) Do hand sketches first.
7. Create a floorplan of the room as you propose it.


. said...

Kieffer and Jacob Abbot

. said...

Ryan and Eric

. said...

Matt H and Ethan

. said...

hi mr bishop.

ME (Will) And tom are parnters for the project thingie .

Have a nice day. P.S. tom says hi. HI.

NevWEB said...

nevin and jakob are paretners
not life partners
but partners for this project

i am not even sure if this will show up


i think evryone should get there own bloogger acount so then we can know who posted what....