Monday, March 17, 2008

Norman Foster British Architect

Norman Foster was born in Manchester, England in 1935. He was sent to a private school and grammar school. He worked for two years in the city’s treasurer’s office, studied commercial law, and then left to serve in the royal air force. During this time Foster developed an interest in architecture. When he left the air force he worked in a bakery, sold furniture and worked in a factory. He then, in 1961 went to Manchester University school of Architecture and city planning. He had entered at 21 years of age. He won a fellowship to Yale University. Here he earned a Masters in Architecture. This is where he met Richard Rogers and became close friends. In 1963, He worked with Richard Rogers, Sue Rogers, Gorgie Wolton, and his wife Wendy Foster. They created “Team 4” which was used until Foster Associates was formed in 1967. Now it is called Foster and Partners.

Since then, they have received more than 190 citations and awards for excellence and have won over 50 national and international contests. Foster was awarded the RIBA royal gold medal in 1983 and he was awarded the RIBA trustees medal in 1990 for the Willis Faber Dumas building. He was knighted in 1990 and received the gold medal of the AIA in 1994. Also in 1994 he was appointed officer of the order of the arts and letters by the ministry of France. On June 12 1999, it was announced in the Queens birthday honor list that Sir Norman Foster had been honored with a life peerage, taking the title of Lord Foster of Thames Bank. In the same year he was also awarded the prestigious 21st Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate. Considered to be the Noble prize for architecture.

His buildings and urban projects have renewed cityscapes, transportation systems, and restored city centers. Many of his aesthetically and technologically groundbreaking projects are based from ecology- conscious concepts. He sets a new standard for the interaction of a building and the environment. Some of his most remarkable architectural projects are done in the last few years. These include the rebuild of the Reichstag in Berlin, the great court at the British museum in London, The Millennium Bridge, and the new Hong Kong airport.


Matt Heibein :)


. said...

The space port is so cool

. said...

Hi matt

From Will

. said...

you have a big beard

. said...

that picture is cool and i also like your report

oh ya hi matt

. said...

Matty Appletree

. said...

Good job Matt