Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jorn Utzen By Tom From

Jorn Utzon
Jorn Utzon is one of the worlds greatest architects he is the designer of the sydney opera house and other buildings like the National assembly building in Kuwait.
Jorn was born in Copenhagen in 1918. He went to the academy of arts in Copenhagen and when he finished he traveled Europe, America and Mexico. When he got back to Copenhagen in 1950 he established his own company. In all of his designs Jorn incorporates three different styles; he uses "Asplund, Alvar Aalto, and Frank Lloyd Wright" and always tries to design using architectural tradition and always builds with a strict structural and constructive process.
When Jorn Utzon began his career he was designing mostly houses and suburban buildings. After a few years of designing houses, schools and recreational centers he was contracted to design the Sydney opera house, which he won the "2003 laureate of the pritzker prize of architecture" for and on June 29 2007 the opera house was declared a world heritage site. When Jorn Utzon was asked about his design for the complex shells covering the sydney opera house he said "I came up with the idea while peeling an orange and that if all 14 pieces of the shell where put together they would form a perfect sphere." After the completion of the Sydney opera house in 1973 Jorn went on to do a series of public projects like the bagsvaerd church in Copenhagen for which he got his inspiration from Scandinavian tradition.
In a 2005 edition of Harvard design magazine professor Bent flyvbjerg was arguing "that because of the politically low-balled construction budget Jorn Utzon was unable to create more masterpieces" which is why his only widely recognized piece is the sydney opera house.
Today Jorn Utzon has a number of unfinished designs like a theatre in Zurich Switzerland and a high school in Elsinore, Denmark. Therefore Jorn Ultzon is one the worlds greatest architects.
By Tom From

Works Cited


. said...

Jorn Utzen is my hero

. said...

i wish i had an afro like you

. said...

Tom is defiantly the best. good work :)

. said...

Hi tom

form will

. said...

tom i can talk you through messages

. said...

hi will

. said...

write back

. said...

write back

. said...

yes will you can do that

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. said...

write back

. said...

write back

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