Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Luigi Colani

Adopt an Architect-Luigi Colani

Luigi Colani is a very famous designer that has created some of the wildest looking creations you may ever see. He was born on August 2nd, 1928 in Germany. In 1946 he studied sculpture at the Akademie der Künste and also studied aerodynamics at Université de Paris-Sorbonne. After graduating he designed many vehicles including his record setting Colani 2CV, which set the world record for fuel economy. He also designed the first kit cars in 1960 with the Colani GT. Over the last 50 years he has also designed everything from Robots to clothes and microscopes.\
Luigi Colani’s style is his trademark and are very natural and circular. Most of the surfaces he uses are curved and smooth to give it an organic feel and catch your eye. Anything that Luigi Colani design’s is always unique and uses vibrant colours or eye catching schemes of rounded shapes.
Luigi’s works have always been revolutionary to the design world and often set records. His designs can be applied to almost anything to make it more aerodynamic or stylish and are practical for everyday life. One of his most famous designs is that of his aerodynamic semi truck. It uses a rounded glass windsheild that allows a large field of view and therefore allows you to pilot the truck more effectively. It has contours allong the sides that allows air to flow past easier and skirts over the wheels that cut down on areodynamic drag. This improves fuel economy as a result and the truck is able to go faster and not waste gas, making it very economical.
Luigi Colani has been a very influential and original designer and will continue to amaze people with his aerodynamic designs in the future.

By: Will Foertsch


. said...

awesome report will!

. said...

will, you rock!

. said...

your my hero will
sweet looking picture

. said...

I like the part about everything

. said...

Interesting truck

. said...

Interesting truck

. said...

Interesting truck

. said...

yay will :)

. said...

that is a pretty cool picture, that car would look weird driving on the highway

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. said...


whats up

. said...

will is bum head

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. said...

just kidding eric is